Friday, October 29, 2010

Jack O'Persimmon Bento

It's the mad rush to fit in a few more spooky bentos before Halloween is over. I am following the trend of bentoists everywhere and turning more fruits and veggies into Jack O'Something-Or-Others. Today it's a fuyu persimmon.

In this bento: purple rice, a few Aidell's teriyaki chicken meatballs, steamed edamame, champagne grapes from De'Santis Farms, a few french radishes from Ridgeview Farms (it was their last farmers market this past Wednesday, goodbye until spring!), baby carrots, a Jack carved fuyu persimmon from De'Santis Farms, and two little Halloween candybars. Not that I need more chocolate or sugar today. My breakfast so far has been 1 Hersey's Nugget, 1 fun size Babyruth, and a handful of Bottlecaps and Sweetarts, and some coffee. Can you say JItTeRs?!

If you find persimmons at your farmers market, I suggest trying both the fuyu kind (which you eat hard), and the hachiya kind, which must ripen to mushiness before you eat it. Both are yummy, but the hachiya is more often used in baking.

And finally, please take a moment to vote for my entry in the Food Ninja contest! There are a few bentoists who have entered the Food Ninja contest and we would love your vote so we can win some cool kitchen swag. Debra of hapabento and Sheri of Happy Little Bento have also entered. Voting ends on Saturday, October 30th, so please take a moment to vote now, thanks!


  1. Lovely Jack o´! I like the hard type of persimmons .. those with a "crunch" when you bite them ^_^
    Great and fresh bento (not counting the cute mini candy bars :P)

  2. Love your jack-o-persimmon, it made me smile! I still have not done a Halloween Bento yet. I don't know if I will be able to. I'm off to vote now!

  3. Thanks karaimame. I may have to chuck the mini candybars, cause I am seriously overloaded on sugar already. Blech. :)

  4. Thanks Lyndsey! I appreciate your vote! I hope you can find time for a Halloween bento. There have been so many amazing ones this season.

  5. I had to pop back here a tell you how much I loved your video! It was so cute, funny and thoroughly enjoyable. Can I vote twice? ;D

  6. Ha ha, thanks Lyndsey! I wish, but it looks like just one vote per person/computer. You can tell your friends to vote! :)

  7. The idea to carving a Jack O'Persimmon is awesome. I hope I've still time to create a Halloween bento. Is not so long until Halloween ;)

    PS: Would you be interested in exchanging links?

  8. Ich danke Dir, Mokiko! Ich wurde gerne Links teilen. Meinst Du im Blog Liste teilen? (Es tut mir leid, mein Deutsch ist nicht ganz gut.)

  9. Yes, that's what I meant. Thank you:)
    Have you taken up also in my Blogroll.

    Incidentally, I find your german very good. Where you can do it so well? It is certainly better than my english ;D

  10. Ich habe zwei Austauschen gemacht. Eins als ich 16 Jahre alt war, die zwieten waerend Universitaet. Ich habe auch Deutsch als Hauptfach an der Uni studiert. :)

  11. Your Jacksimmon has an endearing lop-sided smile.
    Happy nearly last day before Halloween! Looks like you have time for a couple more...

  12. Hee hee. thanks sheri. You know I will try to fit in a few more. :)

  13. I love the Persimmon-O'Lantern ^_^ .. you carved it perfectly ... cute and delish

  14. Thank you Lina! The persimmon was nice and crisp, so it was easy to cut right where I wanted to, and not slip up.

  15. I love persimmon!!! Specially the persimmon o lantern :D may i copy your idea...hehehe

  16. Cute one-tooth jack'o. Off to vote for u ! All the best. :)

  17. Nicely carve Jack O'Persimmon! Cutie ... And love to see your fresh and healthy bento :) All the best for you for Food Ninja contest! I hope you can win it.

  18. Ha ha, anna2003! I only had patience to cut one tooth for Jack. :)

  19. Thanks so much Lia! And I WON! So did sheri!
