Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hapa Bento Back to School Bento

Debra of Hapa Bento is having a Back to School contest with an adorable Elph bento box up for grabs. And the cool thing is that you can enter with any bento you'd like! It doesn't have to be a cute bento, or themed for school. Any yummy bento can be entered into the contest. Click here to go to her page and find out the details.

Here is my entry: a drumstick that I baked and then coated in a spicy (perhaps a wee bit too spicy) sauce, orange cherry tomatoes from the Oakmont Tuesday Night Farmers Market, fresh mozzarella balls, a sprig of basil from the garden where I am house sitting, slices of armenian cucumber from Redwood Empire Farms, and red grapes. The bento box I am using is from the house where I am bunny sitting/house sitting this week. It's not really even a bento box, just a glass container with a locking lid! Think outside the bento box. :)

Sorry I have been MIA, bunny sitting does not make for easy bentoing. I also included this bento in Shannon's What's For Lunch Wednesday. Check it out for great lunch ideas.

And.... I have a new blog! It's called Sonoma Nail Art. I figured that since I have got a bit of practice under my belt and better nail art tools, I would start a blog just for my nail art. Take a look, and let me know if you have any suggestions for designs. Have a great week bento pals!


  1. Two words: Yum Meeeee!
    Bunny sitting sounds like a wonderfully relaxing thing to do. How lovely for you. I have that glass box, and I'm waiting for the day when I can trust my kiddos not to shatter it because I love the transparent quality.
    Congrats on the nail blog! I love it!

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  3. Thanks Sheri! I get to babysit this bunny about twice a year. This was a fun bento box to use but I understand how you would be nervous around your kids. Thanks for checking out my new blog!

  4. Thank you ismail123! Yes, if I ate like this every day, I would be much healthier. Sadly, sometimes life gets too busy for bento.
