Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ready for Fall Bento

Dang, it's been nearly a week since I posted a bento. I did make three bentos on Friday for a trip to Movie Night in the Park last week, but didn't take great pictures of them. We were too excited about watching the movie. :)

Fall is definitely on its way, and I have to stop thinking we might still have an actual summer in Wine Country. Oh well. But fall is such a great time of year! To get myself into the autumn mood, I made a bento filled with leaf-shaped roasted potatoes. Yum!

In the upper compartment: an heirloom tomato salad made with lime juice, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and basil, corn on the cob from the Santa Rosa Original Cerified Farmers Market, and steamed edamame. In the lower compartment: roasted leaf-shaped potatoes, greens from Offerings of the Land, and cherry tomatoes from Triple T Ranch and Ridgeview Farms. I used small leaf shaped cookie cutters to make the potato 'leaves'.

A closeup of the cutie little cherry tomatoes and the roasted potatoes. I tossed the taters with olive oil, salt, and Chat Masala, a spice I picked up at The Savory Spice Shop. It's kind of tangy and spicy at the same time. Really yummy!

The tomato salad was made with tomatoes grown by Larry Wagner of Sebastopol. Larry is always one of the big winners in the Kendall-Jackson Tomato Growing Contest each year. I believe this salad I made contains his Japanese Black Trifele tomatoes. I was lucky enough to take home a few of Larry's tomatoes after out broadcast at the Kendall-Jackson Heirloom Tomato Festival this past weekend. Despite some technical difficulties, it was a wonderful broadcast. And this weekend we will be at the Santa Rosa Original Certified Farmers Market for their bit Tomato Tasting! I love, love, LOVE tomatoes!

I included this bento in Shannon's What's For Lunch Wednesdays blog. Take a look for more inspirational bento ideas.


  1. Oh! Will have to try the leaf-shaped roasted taters! So cool. And warm. Lovely end-of-summer bento :o)

  2. leaf-shaped roast potatoes! I love that idea!!!! Going to make some for my family for sure.

  3. Mmm...This is a bento after my own heart! The leaf-shape taters...a pre-autumn delight!

  4. I got so surprised they are potatoes! Looks amazing! Everything in the meal is so fresh but yet brings a warm cozy feeling. Adorable ^_^

  5. very nice pre-autumn-bento dear! I love the second shot with the yummy tomatos and the fresh salad!

  6. You didn't lose your bento touch after 1 week break. Will be excited to see your autumn bento later :)

  7. ooo.. i want to eat those potatoes!! looks so yummy.. cheers!

  8. Hi sheri! We got cheated, but so far fall has been great. :)

  9. Thanks Kelly! I have really been loving the cute creatures you have been making with cutters. They make it so easy to make fun bentos.

  10. Hi hapabento! Roasted potatoes are such a great comfort food.

  11. Thanks karaimame! The flavors worked really well in this bento, especially the tomato salad. :)

  12. Danke sehr, Token! Das Foto hat mir auch gefaellt. :)

  13. Thanks Lia! I guess bento making is like riding a bike. You never forget how to do it. :)

  14. Thanks anna2003! I wish I could share them with you. :)

  15. Beautiful! Your roasty potato leaves have me in an autumnal mood as well...

  16. Thanks bentobird! Autumn is great here with the bounty of summer and the new crop of delicious fall foods.
